Abiraterone Tablets

Abiraterone Tablets

Product Details:

  • Salt Composition Abiraterone
  • Dosage Form Tablet
  • Origin India
  • Physical Color/Texture White Powder
  • Fermentation Smell Normal Smell
  • Storage Instructions Cool & Dry Place
  • Shelf Life 12 Months
  • Click to view more

Abiraterone Tablets Price And Quantity

  • 1 Unit

Abiraterone Tablets Product Specifications

  • 12 Months
  • India
  • Cool & Dry Place
  • White Powder
  • Normal Smell
  • Tablet
  • Abiraterone

Abiraterone Tablets Trade Information

  • 10 Days

Product Description

Abiraterone tablets are a medicine used to treat progressed prostate disease. As an androgen biosynthesis inhibitor, Abiraterone works by repressing the creation of androgens, dialing back disease development. Commonly endorsed in mix with prednisone, it is required orally one time each day. Normal secondary effects incorporate weakness, joint expanding, and hypertension. Abiraterone offers a significant choice for overseeing metastatic prostate malignant growth.

Product details

Product Type

Abiraterone tablets

Medicine Type

Anti cancer



Dosage Form


Packaging Type

Strip packing/Blister/AluAlu Blister/Jar packing

FAQs of Abiraterone Tablets

Q: What is Abiraterone, and what is its essential use?

A: Abiraterone is a medicine recommended for the therapy of cutting edge prostate disease. Especially viable in cases have not answered different medicines.

Q: How does Abiraterone work in treating prostate disease?

A: Abiraterone is an androgen biosynthesis inhibitor, hindering the development of chemicals that fuel prostate malignant growth development, in this manner dialing back the movement of the sickness.

Q: What is the suggested measurement and organization of Abiraterone tablets?

A: The run of the mill measurement is required orally one time per day, for the most part in mix with prednisone. It's critical to follow the recommended routine given by your medical services supplier.

Q: What are the normal results of Abiraterone?

A: Typical secondary effects might incorporate weakness, joint expanding, and hypertension. It's fundamental to report any surprising or extreme secondary effects to your PCP instantly.

Q: Might Abiraterone at any point be utilized as an independent treatment?

A: Abiraterone is ordinarily endorsed in blend with prednisone. Involving it as an independent treatment isn't the standard practice, and the blend treatment is more compelling.

Q: Are there a particular precautionary measures or contraindications for Abiraterone use?

A: Illuminate your medical care supplier about any prior conditions or prescriptions you are taking. Certain circumstances might require nearer checking during Abiraterone treatment.
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Select Unit

  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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